“Love Overflows” was the annual theme of GEMS Girls’ Clubs a couple of years ago. We taught the girls (and ourselves!) that God has lavished his love on us.
It’s like pouring water into a glass. When we receive that love, it fills us up and then spills out all over other people.
In working with elementary and middle school girls through GEMS, it’s at times concerning to see how low they view themselves. They might never hear from someone how valued, special, and loved they are.
What would it look like, to live like you’re loved? Splashing and dripping his love everywhere you go? Take time today to be filled up with his love, then go find someone to drip love and encouragement onto.
The “Loved.” sticker on my laptop in the picture above is part of a line of items from GEMS Girls’ Clubs, offering reminders everywhere we go that we are loved. period.
Five Minute Friday is a weekly opportunity to simply write about one word for only five minutes, and link-up what you’ve written, to connect with other writers.
How wonderful that you work with young girls. And I so agree with you. God’s love overflows from us as we realize how much He loves us. I pray that the message gets through much louder than what the world tries to tell girls and women.
I love that you’re working with girls, helping them understand that they are loved. For them to grasp that truth at a young age will make such a difference and I agree, we need to know that we are loved for that love to overflow to others.
“Splashing and dripping love as you go…” What a wonderful – and fun! – thought and mental picture this morning!! Visiting from FMF – hello:)