In the early stages of my simple living journey, frugality meant cutting corners everywhere I could when choosing things to purchase. Cheaper was always better. Everything I took home from the grocery store was store-brand, no matter what. If I could save a few pennies with each purchase, it would all eventually add up, right?
I’d watch others shopping around me, pulling brand-name items off the shelf. I wanted to tap them on the shoulder and say “Excuse me, don’t you realize this item here is the exact same thing but cheaper?? Why on earth are you choosing THAT one??”
(I never did approach anyone of course. #introvert #enneagram9)
Recently I’ve started finding balance in my shopping choices.
Just because those store-brand goldfish crackers (oh wait, they’re penguins, not goldfish) are a few pennies cheaper doesn’t mean they taste the same. My kids can sure tell the difference.
A big can of coffee may be much cheaper in the long run, but my palate thanks me each time I choose the locally roasted beans instead.
Where I once was loyal to “cheaper is always better”, I now look for balance. I still buy store-brand spaghetti noodles and milk, but we do prefer Jif Natural Peanut Butter.
Do you have any brands you’re loyal to? What store-brand items do you balance that with?
Five Minute Friday is a weekly opportunity to simply write about one word for only five minutes, and link-up what you’ve written, to connect with other writers.
Yes, there are certain items I am very loyal to. Despite trying alternatives, I tend to come back to specific brands for things like coffee and beef. There are a few staples that are less expensive at Trader Joe’s, which has become a favorite of mine.
Actually, having worked as a military contractor in places that I’m sure you’d not ant to visit, I’m OK with store brands. At least they’re not moving while you’re trying to eat them.
Well, not too much, anyway.
#1 at FMF this week.
I’m brand loyal to: Some cereals, some tea bags, and some crackers. However, our son has an extreme picky eating/sensory disorder which require me to pick out groceries that he’ll accept. Sometimes store brands are fine but others require splurging for the name brand. I’ve taught myself and our family to appreciate the aspects of both. I’m with you on bargains! I love a good thrift/resale shop for clothes too! In fact I went yesterday and got a dress, yoga pants, and fancy heels (for a work function upcoming)…all for $23. Yes!
Hope you have a blessed Saturday. I’m drinking my name brand tea at the moment. 😉
Jenn, FMF neigbhor
I think balance is definitely key. To lots of things – even shopping choices. I have an impossible time paying full price for clothes. I’m always shopping thrift and budget, etc. but when I get poor quality for low prices, it really isn’t a worthwhile bargain. Hard lesson for me to remember, though!
Balance is the key. A lot depends on the store, too. Good job on a tricky question.
food shopping is no different than anything shopping. Balance is great. 90% of my clothes come from thrift stores, the rest… is the balance, same with books, food, supplies, and goods. balance always.
We also have had to live frugally, but there are certain cheaper brands that are not worth getting for a few cents less. Coffee, produce, bread, cereal, etc. are some of those things. One must decide which ones are worth spending a little more for.
I also have to get more expensive clothes and shoes (wide) to fit me well since I am short.
I think parents have a wonderful opportunity to buy many very nice clothes these days at garage sales! Clothing hasn’t gotten much more expensive than when our children were growing up in the 60’s and 70’s. But there were no garage sales or Thrift Shops so we always had to pay full price and on a much lower income! We all had many fewer clothing and toys! Of course it made it easier to keep the house neat; not so much stuff!😁
I applaud you for choosing to stay at home to raise your children yourself! I always felt that I didn’t want to miss out on all the stages my little people were going to go through.