It’s like the Black Friday of summer. Once a year Amazon deeply discounts thousands of items for their two-day “Prime Day” sale. As someone who desires to live a frugal, simple life, what do I think about shopping this event?

I enjoy stuff. I enjoy activities. I enjoy technology. I also know that if my finances (and my conscience) allowed, my personality could VERY easily buy-all-the-things.
Anytime I come across something in my home that needs fixing, my initial reaction is often “just buy a new one.” Or when a friend shares a rave review about an item they are loving, I want to jump on the bandwagon too. But I’ve trained myself to hold back (it’s taken awhile).
Here are three things that have helped.

1. Give it time
If the item I’m considering getting isn’t an urgent need (like a broken appliance), I sleep on it AT LEAST a day. Often much longer (even in the case of the unfixable oven, it took a few days before we ordered a new one). Impulse buys can give us a wonderful adrenaline rush, but it also often comes with buyer’s regret.
While waiting isn’t always possible — some great opportunities are one-day-only (keep reading) — it really is the best way to prevent unnecessary things from coming into your home in the first place.
Check out this story of how being patient with a purchase really paid off for me.

2. Do the research
It’s probably nerdy of me to admit, but researching is one of my favorite ways to kill time. “Oh I’m going to need new sandals this summer?” Google searches ‘best sandals for every day use and back pain‘. “Hmm everyone seems to be getting an Amazon Echo this Christmas?” Google searches ‘Amazon Echo reviews‘.
Sometimes I get into trouble by over-researching, becoming overwhelmed by the choices available or finding mixed reviews. So I go back to my first point, and give the decision more time. If an item is more of a want than a need, some distance and simple observation of whether or not the item would fit into my daily lifestyle is beneficial (I pondered and researched FitBits for over a year before getting one).

3. Ask around
I really did need new sandals one summer, and after doing some Google research I thought a pair of Chacos might fit my need. But that price tag was honestly more than I’d ever spent on shoes. So I asked my Facebook friends for their opinions. And they responded (40 comments worth!).
Another benefit of asking friends for input before buying is you might end up finding someone with the item you’re considering, and either letting you borrow it for a trial run or actually giving or selling it to you.

When it comes to the intersection of stuff and simple living, my personal strategy is to be extremely conscious of what items come into my home. Hopefully that eliminates some of the clutter of useless things and also ensures we invest in things that will actually last (I did buy the Chacos that year, and wear them almost daily every summer, and expect to wear them for at least ten years. Totally worth the hefty price tag).
Like I said before, I really do enjoy things. I keep running wishlists for myself and my husband and kids, obviously for Christmas and birthdays but also to keep my eyes open for good deals. YES I will buy Christmas gifts in July if I find the right thing at the right price!
And so with Amazon Prime Day (Tues & Wed July 11-12 in 2023), everything in me will want to pounce on ALL of the good deals. But I’ll hold myself back. If I see something I’ve been considering, will I take advantage of the discount? Probably. Will I also agonize the whole day over something that I REALLY want, but am not sure if I’ll regret the impulse buy? Definitely. 🙂

Even though I consider myself pretty minimalistic, I’m not here to tell you to avoid events like Prime Day and Black Friday. Go ahead and check it out — carefully and thoughtfully, looking for those things you’ve been considering for awhile. (Don’t yet have a membership to Amazon Prime? Get a free 30-day trial here — you can take advantage of the deals, then just cancel if you’d like.)
I keep a list of my favorite things for the kitchen, home, garden, etc on this page (many of which I waited and researched before buying myself!), and I keep it updated whenever I see a sale. I also post on Instagram Stories if I find any deals I think will be worthwhile for you.
One final thought
I know people have mixed feelings about Amazon… I do too.
Please know that I’m a BIG advocate for shopping small and local. And guess what? I’ve noticed there are lots of businesses taking advantage of this “holiday” to offer their own sales. It might take a little more digging, but if you can find what you’re looking for at a discount from a small business?? That’s 100% the route to go!
For example: (who supports local bookstores) is offering free shipping these two days. So if you have a book in mind you’d like to get, it’s worth weighing the decision of buying it cheap from Amazon vs paying closer to full price (with free shipping!) and supporting your local bookstores.
I’ll post any other good offers I find on my Instagram Stories over the next few days!
Do you tend to be more of a saver or a spender?

She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.
Proverbs 31:16-17
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