Hi friends, I’m Carrie! Wife of a teacher, mom of 3 girls, lover of books, coffee, and Michigan’s four seasons. We currently live on 2 wooded acres, with a vegetable garden and handful of chickens.

In this little corner of the internet, I help you grow a simple living mindset, a from-scratch kitchen, and your home & garden — faithfully and frugally. You can also find me sharing some less-curated content 😉 on Instagram (my favorite place to hang out), Facebook, and YouTube.

I consider myself to be a Faithful Frugal Farmgirl — and hope this idea appeals to you too:
What it means for me to be FAITHFUL
- I will be a wife and a mom that my family can count on.
- I will learn about the body and the world I live in, and take care of them both in the best ways I can discover.
- I will make time for both work and rest, community and solitude.
- I believe in the words of the Apostles’ Creed. I believe God has placed me in this particular time and place, with my exact strengths and weaknesses and personality, for a reason.
What it means for me to be FRUGAL
- I will make financial choices wisely and carefully.
- I will be patient in making purchases whenever possible.
- I will shop second-hand and used, off-brand and cheap. But I will also recognize circumstances where newer, higher quality items will be a better choice in the long run, both for our finances and our health.
- I will simplify the ingredients and products we use, making most things from scratch.
What it means for me to be a FARMGIRL
- I will be a creator and a producer, not just a consumer.
- I will research and pursue sustainable products and practices, both inside and outside our home.
- I will eat seasonally whenever possible, for the sake of flavor, health, and supporting local.
- I will learn from the past, prepare for the future, and embrace a slower, old-fashioned life today.
If these phrases resonate with you, welcome! This slower, simpler, old-fashioned, homesteading lifestyle starts with your mindset — so whether you live in an apartment or on hundreds of acres (or even are a farmguy!), you have a place at my table.
Thanks for being here!

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